introduction Accueil Home Neufs Our range Dufour yachts Feeling Alubat Zar Occasions Pro Marine Chantier Naval Shipyard Location Croisières Cruising Routes Gestion Qui sommes-nous ? About Aries AMS Marine Votre chantier Dufour yachts Maintenance And Wintering Feeling Servicing and aftercare Alubat After Sales Service Zar Our Projects Pro Marine Acheter Testimonials Vendre Dufour Yachts Feeling Notre base de location Notre base de location Conditions de location Conditions de location Nous confier votre bateau

Who We Are
Who We Are
Your Workshop
Your Workshop
boat preparation
boat preparation

 A Full And Comprehensive Survey Before You Set Sail.

If you have bought a boat from Aries AMS you can be sure it has been fully inspected for any defects and any found have been put right. It is the same if you charter a yacht from us. It is the same if you bring your boat to us for servicing or to sell it on your behalf.

Sailing is at it's most enjoyable when you have full confidence in the performance of the boat that you are on. 

To have the certainty that everything is present and in excellent working order is the assurance Aries can provide.

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